Ahhh, it’s so easy to get behind on blogging… life always seems to get in the way! I know one of my goals was to blog everyday, but I think we all knew this would happen. :)

Anywho… I have to say I’m been in a very thankful mood lately. God is really working in my life and teaching me so much right now. Reading, writing, praying, working out and catching up with old and new friends is making me a very busy bee!

Here are a few new happenings:

1.) It’s official, I’m going back to Farmington! I think I’ll always have a little hesitation, until I actually just do it. But I’ve been looking at Churches online and “shopping” around. Even though it may be a little commute for me… I think it will all work out. Well, that’s a silly statement… of course God will make it all work and put the pieces together for me like he ALWAYS does.

2.) I’m so thankful my sister made it back safely from Hawaii!!! And Jenny and Joe came back with an extra little guy. David, Joe’s son is living in Oklahoma with them for awhile. I know my sister loves him like he’s her own so it’s such a blessing that they all will get to spend time together.

3.) I’m becoming one of those crazy work-out girls and a runner! Well, I guess I’ve always been a “runner” since I’ve ran track since the 3rd grade. AND, here’s a trivia question! What event did I win the state championship in? I bet you’ll never guess… and even more so, I’m never telling! haha. Anyways, I’ve decided to run a marathon! I would love, LOVE, LOVE for someone to do it with me. I figured since I’ll be back in Charleston for most of my breaks at school I would do the Kiawah Island Marathon. It’s on December 11! Wahhoooooo!

4.) I seriously love my life. I love God, I love people, I love my family and I love… ice cream. :) Reading the book, Searching for God Knows What, by Donald Miller has really changed my outlook. The book is about the fall of creation and what it really means for us today. How it effects us, why we act the way we do… it’s just an amazing book. It’s really helping me love everyone and not be so judgmental. Everyone from the cleaning crew that comes to the gym at night to my boss. Don’t you love when you can just feel God working in your heart?

Anyways, that is a very short run through of what’s going on… I hope everyone is doing well!! :) Love you all!